Monetization of Cloud App

Cloud developers now have the new Payment Platform- "PayPal X" to monetize the app on the cloud. To kick start the process, PayPal has releasing a new open source APEX Toolkit for platform (Salesforce Application Platform) that can used by Salesforce developers to consume both Adaptive Payments and Adaptive Account APIs in their enterprise and consumer application built on platform.

The "Getting started with for PayPal X Payments Platform" and "Using for PayPal X Payments Platform" docs will help you install the toolkit into your developer environment and provides information about various classes and objects that you can use to enable payments in your applications. The toolkit hides all the complexity that one would need to worry about when making web services calls from platform. This allows you as a developer to concentrate more on your application and worry less about payments and integrating with the Adaptive Payments and Accounts APIs.

Next comes IBM Cloud, IBM Cloud Labs [1][2] providing PayPal X Developers a way to quickly build, deploy and monetize applications on the IBM Cloud.The PayPal X image for the IBM SMART Business Development and Test Cloud environment provides an easy way for Java developers to quickly get started with the PayPal’s Adaptive Payment APIs. The image provides a few sample apps along with the PayPal Adaptive Payments & Accounts Java SDK and a fully integrated development environment using Eclipse IDE and Tomcat connector. This allows developers to quickly create an instance on the IBM cloud, experiment with the sample apps, make code changes, or add new functionality to suit their business needs.

Continuing PayPals efforts to make Payments easy for developer building and running application on the cloud, now have a new java toolkit for Google App Engine available on Google Code (yes Open Source!). You can find the project on Google Code under the project name "paypalx-gae-toolkit" (

The toolkit provides the support for the Adaptive Payments APIs (Pay, Preapproval, PaymentDetails, PreapprovalDetails, Refund and CurrencyConversion operations). It's built using the HTTP-NVP binding utilizing the Google App Engine's URL fetch service. In addition to the support for the Adaptive Payment APIs, which are really the building blocks exposed through our PayPal X Global Payments Platform

Now monetization of a cloud app is just an X away..!
